A Blog About Blogging. And Counting.

So apparently my WordPress app has completely shit the bed. I’m working on it, but for now I’m going to cut myself a break on weekend posts. I’ll update again when/if that changes. I considered just doing some posts ahead of time and scheduling them to post on weekends — and I might do that for this weekend since I’ll be out of town — but there will also definitely be some weekend days were I actually do sit down in front of the computer so I don’t want to be locked in to pre-set posts for those days. Blogging is hard, Barbie!

Now I just have to decide if I am blogging (hopefully) every day over a period of 365 days, and thus will be ending this project on Feb. 7, 2018 OR if I’m posting 365 times and attempting to do it on as many consecutive days as possible, thus ending after the total number has been reached. I’m thinking the latter is easier to keep track of.